This module crawls a given SMB server and provides the following options (parameter dependent):
I am not a programmer in any ways, so the scripts below are pretty ugly, but it serves the purpose they meant to do for me. Please feel free to use or modify them as needed. Any feedback also appreciated (info@ domain of this website).
GitHub resource containing source code:
Program code:
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 #### #TODO #skipdirs #sizelimit #permissions #### from smb.SMBConnection import SMBConnection import time import os import errno import socket #from datetime import datetime #import re #from StringIO import StringIO def convert_to_unicode(string): if not isinstance(string, unicode): string = unicode(string, "utf-8") return string #######PARAMETERS # SMBusername='user1' # SMBusername=convert_to_unicode(SMBusername) # #in main # #SMBpassword='Asdf1234' # #SMBpassword = raw_input('password:') # #SMBpassword=convert_to_unicode(SMBpassword) # #SMBremotesystem = 'FileServer' # SMBremotesystem = 'REMOTESERVER' # SMBremotesystem=convert_to_unicode(SMBremotesystem) # SMBremoteip = '' # SMBremoteip=convert_to_unicode(SMBremoteip) # #SMBlocalsystem='LOCALHOSTNAME' # SMBlocalsystem = socket.gethostname() # SMBlocalsystem=convert_to_unicode(SMBlocalsystem) # #SMBdomain='WORKGROUP' # SMBmydomain=convert_to_unicode(SMBdomain) # SMBfileshare='TestShare' # SMBfileshare=convert_to_unicode(SMBfileshare) # SMBoutdir="./DataGathered/SMB/" # SMBoutdir=convert_to_unicode(SMBoutdir) # SMBtop="/" # SMBtop=convert_to_unicode(SMBtop) # SMBtop=os.path.normpath(SMBtop).replace('//','/') # #if you want to find all shares and use them set this to 1, else the myfileshare will be used # SMBgetshares=0 # # #create empty directories? # SMBcreateemptydirs=0 # # #download files? # SMBdownloadfiles=1 # # #set verbosity # #-1 - no messages # #0 - tuple of results # #1 - summary information # #2 - basic information, positive info # #3 - detailed information, positive, negative # #4 - go crazy about it... # SMBverbosity=1 def smb_connect(username,password,localsystem,remotesystem,remoteIP,domain,averbosity=0): try: if averbosity>=1: print '[+] Analyzing system: ', remotesystem # parameterize an smb connection with a system conn = SMBConnection(username, password, localsystem, remotesystem, domain, use_ntlm_v2=True, #this kills it sign_options=SMBConnection.SIGN_WHEN_SUPPORTED, is_direct_tcp=True) # establish the actual connection connected = conn.connect(remoteIP,445) if connected: if averbosity>=2: print "[+] Connected" else: if averbosity>=3: print "[-] Connection failed" exit(1) return conn except Exception, e: if averbosity>=3: print('[-] Can not access the system') if averbosity>=4: print('[-] Can not access the system'),e #exit(2) #this doesn't work for some reason... def smb_list_shares(conn,aremotesystem,averbosity=0): if averbosity>=2: print '[+] Shares on: ', aremotesystem try: Response = conn.listShares(timeout=30) # obtain a list of shares #for i in range(len(Response)): # iterate through the list of shares # print Response[i].name return tuple(Response) except Exception, e: if averbosity>=3: print('[-] Can not list shares') if averbosity>=4: print('[-] Can not list shares'),e def smb_list_subfolders(conn,aremotesystem,ashare,apath,averbosity=0): if averbosity>=2: print "[+] Listing subfolders in share:\"%s\" folder: \"%s\""%(ashare,apath) try: Response = conn.listPath(ashare,apath,timeout=30) for i in range(len(Response)): filename=Response[i].filename fileisdir=Response[i].isDirectory filetype="" filecreatetime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(Response[i].create_time)) fileattributes=Response[i].file_attributes fileallocsize=Response[i].alloc_size filesize=Response[i].file_size isreadonly=Response[i].isReadOnly lastaccesstime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(Response[i].last_access_time)) filelastattrchangetime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(Response[i].last_attr_change_time)) filelastwritetime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(Response[i].last_write_time)) if filename == ".": pass elif filename == "..": pass else: newpath=os.path.join(apath,filename) newpath=os.path.normpath(newpath).replace('//','/') if averbosity>=4: print newpath if fileisdir: #print "DIR: ",filename filetype="d" for i in smb_list_subfolders(conn,aremotesystem,ashare,newpath): yield i else: filetype="f" #print "FIL: ",filename pass newfile=(ashare,apath,filename,filetype,filesize,filecreatetime,fileattributes,fileallocsize,isreadonly,lastaccesstime,filelastattrchangetime,filelastwritetime) yield newfile except Exception,e: if averbosity>=3: print '[-] Can not access the resource %s%s'% (ashare,apath) if averbosity>=4: print '[-] Can not access the resource %s%s%s'% (ashare,apath,e) pass def smb_get_file(conn, remotesystem,filename,aoutdir,averbosity=0): apath = os.path.join(aoutdir,remotesystem) abspath=apath+filename abspath = os.path.normpath(abspath).replace('//','/') xpath, xfilename = os.path.split(filename) localdir=apath+xpath mycounter1=0 mycounter2=0 try: if not os.path.exists(localdir): os.makedirs(localdir) mycounter1+=1 #print "[+] Creating directory %s" % apath except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise else: #print "[-] Directory already exist %s" % apath pass try: try: if averbosity>=2: print "[+] Creating local file:",abspath temp_fh = open(abspath, 'wb') except: if averbosity>=3: "[-] Could not create local file",abspath try: if averbosity>=3: print "[+] Pulling %s"%(abspath) file_attributes, filesize = conn.retrieveFile(remotesystem, filename, temp_fh, timeout=30) mycounter2+=1 except: if averbosity>=3: "[-] Could not retrieve file %s %s",(remotesystem, filename) temp_fh.close() if averbosity>=1: print "[+] Got file %s"%abspath except Exception,e: if averbosity>=3: print "[-] Could not create file: %s"%abspath if averbosity>=4: print "[-] Could not create file: %s %s"%(abspath,e) return mycounter1,mycounter2 def smb_prepare_dir(remotesystem,abspath): mycounter1=0 try: if not os.path.exists(abspath): os.makedirs(abspath) mycounter1+=1 #print "[+] Creating directory %s" % path except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise else: #print "[-] Directory already exist %s" % path pass return mycounter1 def smb_main(ausername,apassword,alocalsystem,aremotesystem,aremoteip,adomain,afileshare,atop,aoutdir,adownloadfiles=1,acreateemptydirs=0,agetshares=0,averbosity=0): if averbosity>=1: #print summary: print "Server :",aremotesystem print "File Share :",afileshare print "Skipped directories: TBD" print "Skipped files : TBD" print "Maximum depth : TBD" print "Max filesize : TBD" myconn=smb_connect(ausername,apassword,alocalsystem,aremotesystem,aremoteip,adomain) #this will be populated based on the agetshares parameter shares=() if agetshares == 1: allshares = smb_list_shares(myconn,aremotesystem) for i1 in range(len(allshares)): shares+=(allshares[i1].name), if averbosity>=4: print "[+] Shares in server:",allshares[i1].name else: if averbosity>=4: print "[+] Shares in server:",fileshare shares=(afileshare), allitems=() fcount=0 dcount=0 dnum1=0 fnum2=0 dnum2=0 for a1 in range(len(shares)): if averbosity>=4: print shares[a1] for i in smb_list_subfolders(myconn,aremotesystem,shares[a1],atop): item=os.path.join(aoutdir+"/"+i[0]+"/"+i[1],i[2]) item=os.path.normpath(item).replace('//','/') fileitem=os.path.join(i[1],i[2]).replace('//','/') if i[3] == "d": dcount+=1 if acreateemptydirs==1: dnum1+=smb_prepare_dir(aremotesystem,item) if averbosity>=4: print "DIR: %s"%item elif i[3] == "f": fcount+=1 if averbosity>=4: print "FIL: %s %s"%(i[0],fileitem) if adownloadfiles==1: dnumTMP,fnumTMP=smb_get_file(myconn, i[0],fileitem,aoutdir) dnum2+=dnumTMP fnum2+=fnumTMP if averbosity>=4: print "(%s) %s%s%s (%s) (%s) (%s) (%s) (%s) (%s) (%s) (%s)"%(i[3],i[0],i[1],i[2],i[4],i[5],i[6],i[7],i[8],i[9],i[10],i[11]) allitems+=(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4],i[5],i[6],i[7],i[8],i[9],i[10],i[11],'','','','',aoutdir), pass if averbosity==0: print allitems if averbosity>=1: print "Found %d directories and %d files"%(dcount,fcount) print "Created %d directories using directory downloader (absolute path)"%(dnum1) print "Created %d directories (absolute path) and %d files (if existed, overwritten)"%(dnum2,fnum2) myconn.close() return allitems