This module reads a given XLS/XLSX (Microsoft Office) file and searches for patterns in it based on patterns defined in patternmatch module.
I am not a programmer in any ways, so the scripts below are pretty ugly, but it serves the purpose they meant to do for me. Please feel free to use or modify them as needed. Any feedback also appreciated (info@ domain of this website).
GitHub resource containing source code:
Program code:
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import xlrd import re import os from pyHarvest_xmod_patternmatch import * #mypath='c:\\test\\XLS\\' #myfilename='test.xlsx' #set verbosity #-1 - no messages #0 - tuple of results #1 - summary information #2 - basic information, positive info #3 - detailed information, positive, negative #4 - go crazy about it... #verbosity=0 #sample USAGE: #myworkbook=xls_open(path) #mysheets=xls_list_sheets(myworkbook) #for mysheet in mysheets: # global sheet # sheet=myworkbook.sheet_by_name(mysheet) # xls_search_string(pattern_ALL,sheet,1) #OR #import search_patterns #xls_full_search(path,search_patterns.pattern_VISA) #OR #allresults=xls_full_search(mypath,myfilename) #alen=len(allresults) #for a1 in range(alen): # print allresults[a1] #SAMPLE SIMPLE USAGE SEARCH #allresults=xls_full_search(mypath,myfilename) #if verbosity==0: # print allresults def xls_open(mypath,verbosity=0): myworkbook=() try: #read current sheets only to memory: #workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(mypath, on_demand = True myworkbook=xlrd.open_workbook(mypath) except Exception,e: if verbosity>0: print "[-] Exception",e return myworkbook def xls_list_sheets(myworkbook): mysheet_names=xls_list_sheets(myworkbook) return mysheet_names #reads data line-by-line into an array def xls_print_lines(mysheet): for i in range(mysheet.nrows): r = mysheet.row(i) print r #reads all cells one by one running through all cells with data` def xls_print_all_cells(mysheet,verbosity): #read cell values: sheet.cell(<row>, <column>).value for x in range(mysheet.ncols): for y in range(mysheet.nrows): #detect empty cell: #print "Next: %s %s" % (y,x) try: if mysheet.cell(y, x).value == xlrd.empty_cell.value: if verbosity>3: print "%s %s: EMPTY" % (y,x) else: #some error handling based on the type of data read myvalue=mysheet.cell(y, x).value myprint="" if isinstance(myvalue,float): myprint=myvalue elif isinstance(myvalue,int): myprint=myvalue else: myunivalue=myvalue.encode('utf-8','ignore') myprint=myunivalue print "%s %s: %s" % (y,x,myprint) except IndexError: print "%s %s: SKIPPED INDEX ERROR" % (y,x) #reads all data into a matrix def xls_read_all_cells_matrix(mysheet): data = [] #make a data store for j in xrange(sheet.nrows): data.append(sheet.row_values(j)) #drop all the values in the rows into data return data #lists all the sheets in the workbook def xls_list_sheets(myworkbook,verbosity): #print sheet statistics: for n, s in enumerate(myworkbook.sheets()): if verbosity>1: print "[+] Sheet %d is called %s and has %d columns and %d rows" % (n,, s.ncols, s.nrows) #sheet names in a tuple: sheet_names=myworkbook.sheet_names() return sheet_names def xls_search_string_tuple_brief(mysheet,verbosity): results=() for y in xrange(sheet.nrows): for x in xrange(sheet.ncols): try: if mysheet.cell(y, x).value == xlrd.empty_cell.value: pass #print "%s %s: EMPTY" % (y,x) else: #some error handling based on the type of data read myvalue=mysheet.cell(y, x).value myprint="" if isinstance(myvalue,float): myprint=myvalue elif isinstance(myvalue,int): myprint=str(myvalue) myregex=find_pattern(myprint) if myregex: #print "[+] Found ASCII string \"%s\" in Sheet: \"%s\" at position: row:%s col:%s"%(myunivalue,,y,x) #results+=(myregex[0]+(,)+(y+1,)+(x,)), results+=(myregex[0]+(y+1,)+(x,)), else: myunivalue=myvalue.encode('utf-8','ignore') myprint=myunivalue myregex=find_pattern(myprint) if myregex: #print "[+] Found (utf-8) string \"%s\" in Sheet: \"%s\" at position: row:%s col:%s"%(myunivalue,,y,x) #results+=(myregex[0]+(,)+(y+1,)+(x,)), results+=(myregex[0]+(y+1,)+(x,)), #print "%s %s: %s" % (y,x,myprint) except IndexError: pass #print "%s %s: SKIPPED INDEX ERROR" % (y,x) if results: results=(results+(,)), return results def xls_search_string_tuple(mypath,myfile,mysheet,verbosity): results=() for y in xrange(sheet.nrows): for x in xrange(sheet.ncols): try: if mysheet.cell(y, x).value == xlrd.empty_cell.value: pass #print "%s %s: EMPTY" % (y,x) else: #some error handling based on the type of data read myvalue=mysheet.cell(y, x).value myprint="" if isinstance(myvalue,float): myprint=myvalue elif isinstance(myvalue,int): myprint=str(myvalue) myregex=find_pattern(myprint) if myregex: #print "[+] Found ASCII string \"%s\" in Sheet: \"%s\" at position: row:%s col:%s"%(myunivalue,,y,x) #results+=(myregex[0]+(,)+(y+1,)+(x,)), coord="%d:%d:%s"%(y+1,x, results+=(unicode(myregex[0][0]),unicode(myregex[0][1]),unicode(myregex[0][2]),unicode(coord),unicode(mypath),unicode(myfile)), else: myunivalue=myvalue.encode('utf-8','ignore') myprint=myunivalue myregex=find_pattern(myprint) if myregex: #print "[+] Found (utf-8) string \"%s\" in Sheet: \"%s\" at position: row:%s col:%s"%(myunivalue,,y,x) #results+=(myregex[0]+(,)+(y+1,)+(x,)), coord="%d:%d:%s"%(y+1,x, results+=(unicode(myregex[0][0]),unicode(myregex[0][1]),unicode(myregex[0][2]),unicode(coord),unicode(mypath),unicode(myfile)), #print "%s %s: %s" % (y,x,myprint) except IndexError: pass #print "%s %s: SKIPPED INDEX ERROR" % (y,x) return results def xls_search_string_list(apath,averbosity=0): myinput=xls_full_search_tuple(apath,averbosity) result="" for i1 in range(len(myinput)): result+="%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n"%(unicode(myinput[i1][0]),unicode(myinput[i1][1]),unicode(myinput[i1][2]),unicode(myinput[i1][3]),myinput[i1][4],myinput[i1][5]) return result def xls_full_search_tuple_brief(fullpath,verbosity=0): path=os.path.dirname(fullpath) filename=os.path.basename(fullpath) fresults=() myworkbook=xls_open(path+"\\"+filename,verbosity) if myworkbook<>(): mysheets=xls_list_sheets(myworkbook,verbosity) for mysheet in mysheets: global sheet sheet=myworkbook.sheet_by_name(mysheet) if verbosity>2: print "[+] Sheet:",mysheet fresults+=xls_search_string_tuple_brief(sheet,verbosity) fresults+=(path,filename,), return fresults def xls_full_search_tuple(fullpath,verbosity=0): path=os.path.dirname(fullpath) filename=os.path.basename(fullpath) fresults=() myworkbook=xls_open(path+"\\"+filename,verbosity) if myworkbook<>(): mysheets=xls_list_sheets(myworkbook,verbosity) for mysheet in mysheets: global sheet sheet=myworkbook.sheet_by_name(mysheet) if verbosity>2: print "[+] Sheet:",mysheet fresults+=xls_search_string_tuple(path,filename,sheet,verbosity) return fresults def xls_full_search_list(fullpath,verbosity=0): path=os.path.dirname(fullpath) filename=os.path.basename(fullpath) fresults="" myworkbook=xls_open(path+"\\"+filename,verbosity) if myworkbook<>(): mysheets=xls_list_sheets(myworkbook,verbosity) for mysheet in mysheets: global sheet sheet=myworkbook.sheet_by_name(mysheet) if verbosity>2: print "[+] Sheet:",mysheet fresults+=xls_search_string_list(fullpath,verbosity) return fresults #allresults=xls_full_search(mypath,myfilename) #if verbosity==0: # print allresults